A creative lifestyle blog.

Friday, 29 May 2015


Hello guys! I am just quickly hopping on my laptop for a short but sweet one today. I am off on holiday tomorrow and I will be taking the week off from blogging and all social media. Not to worry though as I am sure I will have lots of awesome things to share with you once I return from my travels.

I think that it is so important in this crazy online world that we live in to check out every now and then and just spend the week with your loved ones without the urge to check up on your latest Instagram post. I for one cannot wait to spend the week soaking up and absorbing the world around me rather than trying to capture my lunch from the right angle before tucking in.

Obviously I will be taking my camera with me to document my trip but purely for me, myself and I.  No doubt I will share some of my snaps once I return but I can't actually remember the last time I used my camera for something other than blogging, unfortunately that can sometimes take the fun out something that has always been a passion of mine, long before this blog was even a passing thought in my mind.

I hope you understand and are looking forward to seeing what's to come here on Ladylike Len. Be back soon!

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