A creative lifestyle blog.

Sunday, 10 May 2015


Food glorious food. Whether you're a dab hand in the kitchen or a complete cooking novice we all need to eat to survive therefore we should all be cooking in our kitchens. I for one am a huge advocate of cooking food from scratch and saying no to pre-made meals and added preservatives.

As a result of this over the years I have collected my fair share of recipes books, some of which don't tend to see the light of day and some that happen to contain recipes that have become staples in my household.

LOLA'S FOREVER: Is the latest recipe book to join my collection. I actually purchased this for a friend on her birthday but after flicking through the pages and drooling over some of the crazy cupcake ideas they have in it I couldn't help but buy a copy for myself. I'm a little over the whole cupcake craze that seems to have swept over Britain but it's always a good ideas to have a book like this to go to when the occasion calls for cupcakes.

GREAT BRITISH BAKE OFF: HOW TO BAKE: Is the first of many GBBO baking books that they have released. I have a few of the others too but I decided that this is the best allrounder as it has lots of tips and trick for someone just getting into baking as well as some mouth watering recipes that are bound to impress.

GOK COOKS CHINESE: Is a bit of an odd choice considering Gok Wan is known for styling women's fashion and not necessarily a famous chef, nether the less this is a great cook book. As someone who had very little experience in cooking Chinese food before purchasing this book I liked the fact that all the recipes seemed quite simple and a lot more attainable than other Chinese recipe books I had seen out there.

JAMIES 20 MINUTE MEALS: Is my weekday evening staple. However much I may love cooking food from scratch and that pride that comes with it not everyone has 2 spare hours to prepare dinner. 20 Minute Meals offers great tasting meals that can be prepared and cooked in less time than it would take for a takeaway to be delivered, true fast food at its best. 
If you are looking for a few more book recommendations why not check out my 'Top Four For Home Decor'


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