A creative lifestyle blog.

Tuesday, 7 April 2015


The sun has started to make an appearance around the parts recently, meaning that I have found myself really craving juices and smoothies first thing in the morning. You see, I am one of those weird people that doesn't really like to eat food first thing in the morning so breakfast tends to be ignored unless it's the weekend and we're making an epic brunch. 

As a result of this, most of the time I tend to just grab whatever fruit we have to hand, which is all well and good until I get mind numbingly bored of eating the exact same food day in and out. This is why smoothies are a great breakfast alternative for me. Everyday I can change and adapt what smoothie or juice I am having depending on what we have available, meaning that I very rarely have the same breakfast twice. 

Sometimes though I don't have quite enough ingredients to make a full smoothie so when that situation occurred I decided to try layering up two of my favourite simple smoothie recipes to create something delicious but ended up somewhat resembling a sex on the beach cocktail. 

Layer 1: 2 handfuls of frozen pineapple & mango, fresh orange juice and water. 
Layer 2: 8 large strawberries, 2 handfuls of frozen mixed red berries and water. 

 I currently use the Breville Blend-Active to make all of my smoothies as it's cheap and yet still does a great job. There is no real technical skill or measurements to smoothie making, I tend to work using handfuls and splashes of this and that as I personally like my smoothies to be quite thick, I try not to add too much liquid but feel free to switch this up if is looks too thick for you. Once you have your two smoothie mixes simply pour in the slightly denser mango and pineapple smoothie into a glass first before pouring over the mixed berry smoothie over the back of a tablespoon. Doing this just means that the two are less likely to mix resulting in a cleaner line and just generally a more visually appealing drink. 

This combination of smoothies works really well as the majority of ingredients are frozen, it's a little like having an Ice Blast from the cinema for breakfast just without all the added colourings and preservatives. Yum! 

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