A creative lifestyle blog.

Friday, 23 January 2015


I don't know about you guys but I still cannot get enough of the marble trend. However, I am always wary of spending lots of money on current trends as they are exactly that, current trends. With that in mind I have been trying to come up with some DIYs to include my favourite trends within my home without having to spend a single penny. 

I have seen marbling with nail polish done before but it is something I have never tried so thought why not try it out on some cheap espresso saucers and turn them into a marbled jewellery dish. 

Plain small saucer.
Nail polish.
Old bowl.
Hot/warm water.
Cocktail stick. 
Plastic sheet.
Nail polish remover.
Cotton pads. 

Start by picking out your nail polish of choice,  for reference I used Barry M's Greenberry. Next up fill up an old bowl with hot/warm water, as this DIY can get quite messy I decided to use a Quality Street tub so that I could just recycle it after use. Once your bowl is full of warm water it is time to set up so that you have everything to hand. You will need the plastic sheet near your bowl so that you can leave the saucers on it to dry. 

Now for things to get messy, add a few drops of your chosen nail varnish into the warm water, swirl for effect using a cocktail stick and then dunk your saucer into the water. This is can take a few attempts to get right but persist and you will end up with something that looks like a marble pattern. Sometimes the nail polish sits on the top of the water so be prepared to skim it and replace the water. If you are not fully happy with the pattern simply use cotton pads and nail polish remover to remove it and start over again. Once you are happy with your saucer leave it on the plastic to dry over night. 

The great thing about marbling with nail polish is that you can essentially do it to anything!

1 comment

  1. This is sooo pretty! Definitely need one for my rings :)


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