A creative lifestyle blog.

Tuesday, 19 January 2016


I almost cannot believe that I am finally sitting down to write this blog post! I started my workspace makeover over 6 months ago now and despite not needing to redecorate or do anything drastic it seemed to take forever to get all the pieces I wanted together. 

I had a very specific plan and look in mind and I am really not the sort of person to compromise when it comes to interiors so things took a little longer to come together than I had originally planned. However this weekend I picked up the final piece of the puzzle and now here I am few days later finally getting this post written up for you!

I guess we should start with the main pieces of furniture first. The table is the Linnmon/Adils table from Ikea which is a really great affordable desk that ticked both my double desk and all white requirements. I do plan on replacing the legs on this at some point as they are quite cheap looking but thats a whole other post for another day. 

Underneath the desk I have the 5 drawer Alex unit in white, also from Ikea, to provide easily accessible storage for all my craft supplies and to help divide the desk into two specific working areas, a craft area and more traditional laptop/computer area. I also have the 9 drawer Alex unit on the other side of my office with additional storage for craft supplies and my ever growing make up collection. 

Next up we have the Eames Style White DSW Eiffel Chair from My Furniture. These clearly are not original Eames chairs, these guys are a fraction of the price for the look and I don't have to be ridiculously paranoid about getting black paint or something on a real designer piece of furniture. 

Above the designated craft area I decided I wanted some additional storage for my supplies as well as somewhere to display some of my favourite DIY projects. I decided to go with a shelf from Ikea which they no longer seem to stock, sorry about that. What initially drew me to this shelf unit besides the look was the fact that it only required 4 screws into the wall which is always a bonus for such a large shelving unit. 

One of my favourite things in my workspace is the wire memo board, which in fact is a 4ft Mesh Heavy Duty Grid Wall for shop displays. Rather than buying an overpriced wire memo board I decided to give this ago instead and its everything I was looking for. I simply use mini wooden pegs or bulldog clips to attach the photos. I don't currently have it attached to the wall as I like being able to remove it at ease for blog photos but simply leant against the wall it looks great. 

The rest of the pieces are all things that I have picked up throughout the years. The mint lamp was one I picked up a few years ago now from John Lewis. The light up J initial was picked up from a local independent store and the rest is mainly H&M Home or Urban Outfitters. I have written a few post's on specific things featured on my desk which you can read more about here, the BHS Wire Lamp and the Kate Spade Journal for example. There is even a couple of DIYs on display if you'd like to read more on them, Hand Painted Cacti Pots and the DIY Customised Clipboard

If you have any question regarding an item that I've missed in this post feel free to ask down below in the comments and I will get back to you ASAP. I hope that you've enjoyed a quick run down of my workspace set up and find a little inspiration for your own. 

I seriously couldn't be any happier with my little set up right now! 



  1. Your workspace is so Pinterest worthy! I adore them chairs and your prints on the metal grid which I think I may purchase as it looks so beautiful. I bet working here is a dream.

    1. Yes! I would totally recommend picking one up, it's such a versatile piece :)

  2. Such an inspiring work area))


  3. Wow what a beautiful space - bet it's the best motivation!


    1. It really is, I absolutely love spending my time in here :)


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