A creative lifestyle blog.

Tuesday, 12 January 2016


It's been a while since I have been homewear shopping and I even managed to resit all of the January sales despite having some Christmas money to spend. Working in retail over the Christmas period totally kills any sort of Boxing Day sales joy and the fact that I was ill over the festive period just made me want to spend my time curled up in bed like a sushi roll for days on end. 

However that Christmas money I received was starting to burn a hole in my pocket by the beginning of January and I knew straight away that I wanted to get my paws on that one thing I have had my eye on for a little while now, this amazing light box! I can't remember exactly where I first stumbled across them, probably on Instagram or Pinterest, but either way I'm a complete sucker for decorative lighting and the concept of having a light box than I can switch up with messages or phrases really appealed to me. 

I have seen them used a lot online in children's nurseries as super stylish night lights and I even picked my own up from This Modern Life, an amazing store if you have little ones in your life. The light box itself comes with a large set of letters meaning that you can pick any phase you wish and the set also includes some cute little hearts and stars to decorate. You can pick up your own A Little Lovely DIY Lightbox for £29 which I think is a really reasonable price for the type of product it is, when I first came across them I thought that they would cost much more. One thing to note is that the light box doesn't come with a power adaptor despite having a connector on the light box. It's not really a big deal though as it can be battery powered which I actually prefer as it means I don't have to worry about ugly wires and also means that you can have the freedom to put it anywhere you choose.  

I am so pleased with my little post Christmas purchase and know for a fact that I will have an absolute field day switching up the phrases to suit the occasion or simply with cute little Taylor Swift-esqe quotes like I have above. I also wanted to quickly mention the brand itself, A Little Lovely Company which sell some super cute items including this Letter Banner which is similar to the light box in the sense that you can change up the words to share any message you wish. Gonna need that, obviously. 

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