A creative lifestyle blog.

Tuesday, 23 June 2015


Houseplants are a funny thing. Three or four years ago hardly anyone except for perhaps your nan had them and now they are flying off the shelves from stores that you would never expect. As with a lot of home trends I am sure Pinterest is the one to blame for this one but it is one that I am quite happy revelling in. 

The decor in my home is very neutral (cough, white or grey, cough) with splashes of colour being added through furniture and home accessories. By adding houseplants to a room it adds a whole new dimension of calm and makes it a much more welcoming room to be in. After a year or so of trial and error and some late night botanical reading I have finally found 5 plants that thrive in my home and don't curl up and die if I accidentally forget to water them every once in a while! 

1. First up we have Cacti and Succulents, the favourite houseplant of so many people right now with terrariums and plant hangers cropping up here there and everywhere. They are pretty much near impossible to kill thanks to their desert climate heritage and look great stood alone or with a bunch of other green friends.

2. Next up we have Spider Plants. Now these are a real throwback moment for me, my mother used to have countless variations of these hanging in pretty much every corner of our home in the 90's, so having a small one of these on my desk brings a smile to my face every time I see it.

3. The latest plant to join my collection is the Sanservieria Laurenti, more commonly known as Snake Plants or Mother-in-Laws tongue. It is an architectural plant with stiff upright leaves and is one of the toughest houseplants going. Only needing watering once every two weeks this plant will thank you for forgetting about it every once in a while!

4. English Ivy is my favourite hanging plant. Ideal for climbing or trailing this plant looks beautiful strung from the ceiling using some handmade macrame planters or rested on a shelf with its foliage hanging down around it.

5. My final houseplant recommendation is the Peace Lily. They are a huge no go for me as I have very cheeky little cats that like to chew on my houseplants! Lilies can be highly dangerous to cats and small animals so it's a case of rather be safe than sorry for me. Never the less they are a beautiful plant, they require very little maintenance and any old school Simon Pegg fans will undoubtably love them for the Hot Fuzz jokes. 

To keep all of my green friends alive for as long as possible I keep them in a naturally well lit room but out of direct sunlight. Once a week or so I give them a quick spritz with a water bottle to ensure that the soil is damp without the worry of over watering. Then about once a month to every 6 weeks or so I will feed them with some houseplant food to ensure as happy a plant as possible!

And there you have it, 5 houseplants that even you cant kill!


  1. Your photography is amazing, i loved this post so much. I don't know why but i can never keep plants alive apart from cacti. I bought a succulent a while back but i fear it's dying and don't know hope to save it
    Fashion and Beauty Tribes

    1. Thank you so much Sinead :) I hope you manage to save your succulent in the end!


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