I just wanted to hop on here quickly today to acknowledge the fact that today is my two year blogging anniversary!
Back in when I first started Ladylike Len it was as a place to share and encourage myself to live a more creative life. Since starting this blog not a single week has gone past where it hasn't challenged me to come up with some new ideas and keep my creative fire burning.
It is safe to say that I never thought that back in February 2013 when I published my first post that I would ever be sat here today commemorating the fact that I am still sat here on the exact laptop writing up yet another blog post. I personally think it is a pretty cool thing to achieve and being able to look back over all my previous posts makes me cringe in parts but overall be really quite proud of everything that I have achieved and created.
So here is to many more blog post's to come!
Happy blog birthday :) i look forward to reading through another year!