A creative lifestyle blog.

Monday, 29 December 2014


With Christmas now behind us we are quickly approaching a new year so I thought that this would be as good a time of any to sit back and look over the post's I have created this year. After a scroll through the archives I decided to pick my top blog post's of the year and combine them all into one round up post for any new readers or for someone thats interested in my personal highlights. 

The no nails gallery wall in my living room is my favourite decor addition of the year. Not only am I still full on in love with gallery walls but these Ribba picture ledges from Ikea do exactly what I wanted in the fact that they allow me to constantly change around and swap up new things on them without worrying about drilling countless holes in the walls to hang them, winner. 

An odd best of pick perhaps but still one of my favourite purchases of 2014. Being white, gold and with a Parisian quote it is easy to see why I fell for them but ever since they have sat on my desk and not a day goes by where I don't scribble something down and have found a new found love for pencils over pens. 

Cacti and succulents can be pain in the bottom to plant unless you have a little experience so I created this super easy DIY terrarium to offer a little helping hand for the cacti newbies. Without much attention other than a little watering here and their over the year this terrarium is still going strong and still is a firm favourite of mine. 

This recipe trumped my other food related posts for two reason. A) It is a recipe for two which is a rarity in itself. B) It is so easy to make that literally anyone who can be bothered to put in the time and effort will end up with a beautiful desert. Oh, and wait, did I mention the fact that it tastes absolutely amazing? 

Hands down my favourite DIY of the year. Potentially not the most exciting or life changing a given, but the amount of times I have been able to tweak and change this idea to fit people for gifts throughout the year is crazy. I don't think there are many people out there that would turn down handmade chocolates so they always make a great gift option and making them yourself instantly wins you more brownie points. 

This post started an iced coffee addiction. Being the huge fan of caffeine and coffee alike it comes as no surprise that I ended creating my own mocha frappuccino recipe over the summer. Coming in at half the calories of a high street coffee alternative and costing a fraction of the price it is fair to say I had more than my fair share of these over the summer. Just the thought of them makes me wish away the next few winter months in turn for sunshine and frappuccinos. 

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