A creative lifestyle blog.

Friday, 26 December 2014


Tis the season of gift giving and as I have just reached the milestone of 100 followers on Bloglovin I thought that this was an apt time to pop a little post up to say thank you for your continuing support and give a little something back to you guys! 

I am aware 100 followers is nothing in the blogosphere but I am proud of my little space on the internet none the less. When I first started Ladylike Len it was a way of making myself be more creative in my day to day life. After studying 3 creative A level subjects at college and continuing onto a foundation degree it sucked all the fun and passion out of creating things for me and I soon lost interest once out of education.  Five years later and I feel as if my passion for creating things is back in full force and I really doubt that could ever of been the case without this blog. Not only does it give me a creative outlet to share my creations with you but I have learnt so much in the 18 months or so that I have been blogging, just look at my first few post's for example and you will see my photography has come on leaps and bounds. 

So as a little thank you to those regular faces that I see crop up in the comments or on twitter, this is for you. 

I decided to buy some highly indulgent stationary that quite literally makes my nerdy little heart flutter. I picked up the Kate Spade shiny dot small notepad and 24 gift enclosures from Selfridges as I have been lusting after them for myself for years and thought that they would make an ideal gift for my fellow stationary and craft lovers out there!

You can enter the giveaway by filling in the rafflecopter widget below. Good luck everyone! 
a Rafflecopter giveaway
Giveaway is UK only and ends on the 26th January 2015.


  1. Congratulations! The notepad is my favourite, Kate Spade stationary is always just gorgeous :) x

  2. Replies
    1. Awh I'm sorry to hear that.
      Next time I'll make it a world wide giveaway, as this is my first one I wanted to test the waters first.

  3. The notepad is gorgeous - I love Kate Spade! I wanted to comment and say I know what you mean about education weighing your creativity down - I also did a foundation, then a Master's, and it has made me feel a little like there's only a 'right way' to be creative and the pressure to fit that way is huge. Hopefully I'll be able to get my mojo back this coming year!

  4. I'm a massive stationary geek, and anything Kate Spade ticks my boxes too....the notepad is definitely my favourite!

    - Lorna // Scared Toast

  5. The gift enclosures- because they're so often forgotten and these are so simply beautiful!
    That said, that NOTEPAD.....love!

  6. I love the notepad - I am always writing lists and making notes! And the prettier the better!

  7. hello and congratulations,
    great giveaway i love the notepad but both are lovely :)

  8. I love the notepad, I'm a bit of a stationeryholic

  9. The notepad...I think I would find it more useful too

  10. They are both lovely! but I do love the gift enclosures.

  11. Notepad, but the gift enclosures are cute too.

  12. The notepad but i LOVE the gift enclosures i always wanted to get some

  13. Love the gift enclosures, though both are lovely ! x

  14. I really love the notepad. Wishing you a very happy new year.

  15. Can't decide - both are lovely.

  16. I love the notepad! <3

    thechloelook.com x

  17. The notepad but both are fab, I love stationery!!

  18. Ah i adore Kate Spade! The notepads gorgeous

  19. The notepad, I'm a list making maniac lol x


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