A creative lifestyle blog.

Friday, 27 March 2015


With Easter quickly approaching I thought it was about time I got together a couple of Easter themed DIYs for you to try at home. In my household we don't really celebrate Easter as neither of us are religious but that doesn't mean I don't enjoy a good Easter egg as much as the next person and it is always nice to get into the spirit and watch the children in the family revel in finding the eggs that the Easter Bunny left for them in the garden. 

I don't think I can remember the last time there was a celebration around these parts that did not feature a cupcake somewhere along the line so thought I would rustle up some cute little illustrated carrot cupcake toppers.  

Cocktail sticks, fine liners, scanner/printer & sellotape. 

Start off by drawing up your own carrot design. If you are seriously lacking in the drawing department you could always print one off the internet but I suggest giving it a try as a carrot is a pretty recognisable vegetable and I think you'd receive props for trying, even if they do end up looking like the unloved ones at the end of the day in a supermarket. Once you have drawn and coloured in your illustrated carrot you need to cut out your design and then scan it into a printer/scanner, once you have your image on your computer simply make as many copies as you require.  Now that you have lots of copies of your carrot you need to individually cut each of them out before attaching them onto a cocktail stick using a tiny bit of sellotape. 

 If you are looking for some Easter baking inspiration to go with your new cupcake toppers why not go all out and try my carrot cake recipe while you're at it?


1 comment

  1. That is so cute! Think i might have to nab this idea.
    Love jen,
    Jennifer's Journal x


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