A creative lifestyle blog.

Friday 7 November 2014


There is nothing worse than coming up with a great concept for your next DIY project or seeing something awe inspiring on Pinterest and then not being able to find the tools and materials to bring your creation to fruition. With that in mind I thought it was about time that I shared some of my favourite places to pick up craft supplies with you. 

 HOBBYCRAFT: Undoubtably my first port of call when looking for craft supplies simply due to the vast amount of products they have available both in store and online. The items I tend to pick up from Hobbycraft are spray paints, contact paper, A1 paper and card, stencils, baking equipment and even your more specialist items like candle making kits. There is not a month that goes by without me having a little look around at all their latest products and a great place for seasonal projects. 

 PAPERCHASE: Or as I like to refer to it, stationary heaven. Most of you have probably popped in there for small gifts and birthday cards but the selection of stationary they have on offer is not one to be missed. I cannot seem to leave the place without filling up a basket full of pens, pencils, paints, wrapping paper, stamps and sketchbooks. A part of me actually misses being in education just so that I had a valid excuse to spend obscene amounts of money in this store! 

 JOHN LEWIS: Potentially a tad unconventional to mention a department store in my craft supply picks but it is the place that my grandmother took me to buy materials to make clothes with her when I was small child and since then I have always gone back and admired the selection of wool, buttons, fabrics and ribbons available. Certainly more of a store for people interested in textile crafts but a gem thats not to be ignored. Also, it is always a great place to run off too whilst your partner falls in love over the latest gadget in the technology section.

EBAY: The old faithful bidding sight and my online store of choice if the high street stores have let me down. I tend to only turn to Ebay once I have checked out all other resources as the separate packages and postage can add up but if I find an item I love and they happen to combine postage I can be like a pig in shit on this website. Pretty much my entire washi tape collection has been curated over time thanks to Ebay and the crazy selection available through all the different sellers. It is also a great place to pick up items like these carbon steel craft scissors pictured above and my beloved Motex label maker that you would struggle to find in regular craft stores.

It is also worth mentioning that your local market should have some type of haberdashery stall and they tend to be great places to purchase material in bulk or job lots of buttons at affordable prices. If you happen to know of any one stop craft shops or a great place to purchase DIY/craft supplies please let me know in the comments below as I am always on the look out for new bits and bobs to add to my craft stash. 

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