A creative lifestyle blog.

Friday, 31 October 2014


Today I wanted to share with you truly one of my favourite things. The iconic Roberts Revival DAB radio in duck egg blue is a 1950s style retro radio that combines vintage style with modern technology to create both a beautiful looking and most importantly sounding radio. 

A few years ago I decided to get rid of our oversized CD player that cluttered up the living room and retired the CD collection to under the bed. I rarely sit and listen to an entire album and if I do I tend to turn to the record player but soon after I jacked in the old CD player I noticed just how much I missed having the option of radio and listening to it through the television just felt strange.

 I never really considered myself a fan of the radio but when it comes to sitting down and writing a blog post for example silence drives me mad and if I really enjoy the music of choice I'll just end up singing along and getting distracted. I find radio allows me to have sound in the background without the need to sing and dance across the apartment like a scene from a musical, resulting in me maintaining my sanity and not completely abandoning the task at hand for five minutes of jazz hands. 

As soon as I knew that I wanted the radio back in my life in instantly turned to Roberts. Yes, a huge part of my decision was based on just how gorgeous these Revival radios are but you cannot ignore the fact that they are the company that supply the Queen and the Prince of Wales. There really is no bigger endorsement of quality than being a product that the Monarch uses so I knew that I was in for a treat when finally getting my paws on one.

 I have actually owned this radio for almost a year now and my love for it grows stronger everyday. I love the simplicity of use and the fact it is both mains and battery powered is great for me as it means I can have it in my office in the winter or take it out onto the balcony in the summer. This summer I even ended up taking it out of the apartment completely for a riverside picnic and it was so much nicer than struggling to hear your iPhone over conversation. 

Do you still listen to the radio or have you fully committed to the age of digital music? I would love to know your opinions on owning a stand alone radio in this day and age. Overall I cannot recommend this product enough, the Revival radio is definitely one that it is worth popping on the christmas list this year!
P.S. Happy Halloween! 


  1. Oh I absolutely love my Roberts radio - I listen to it every morning!

    Josie XOXO
    Fashion Mumblr

  2. I just came across your blog and I absolutely love it! Your layout is dreamy and your content is great. You are going to go so far, stick with it lovely.



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