A creative lifestyle blog.

Friday, 19 September 2014


I have what feels like a million birthdays coming up in my calendar over the next few months so I have been trying to come up with a few creative ideas on how to wrap the impending birthday gifts. Any regular readers will be aware by now that I tend to wrap everything in brown parcel paper and then customise them accordingly. After a quick inspiration search on Pinterest I came across paper feathers being used to decorate gifts and loved the look of it so decided to follow that theme and raid my craft supplies. 

I decided against cutting feathers out of coloured paper like I had seen online as I wanted to create something as realistic as possible. After a little bit of trial and error I settled on a combination of plain white paper, white cotton and washi tape to make the feathers and then attached them to a gift tag to add some texture and contrast. 

To make the washi tape feathers you will need to cut a length of white cotton roughly 20cm long before folding it in half and sandwiching it between the white paper and washi tape leaving a few centimetres out of the end. Take care to keep the cotton as straight as possible as this creates the shaft of the feather. Once you have all of the elements together it is a simple case of cutting them into shape. To do this is I curved the base of the feather and created a point at the tip. The final step is what really pulls this all together as you need to carefully make loads of tiny little cuts along the edge of the feather, cutting down towards the base. 

To attach the feather to the gift tag I simply threaded the excess string that we left coming out of the base of the feather through the hole in the gift card and then just attached it to the gift with tape. 

 Naturally you can use any washi tape you have but you can see from the photos that the plain gold feather showed up the detail much more than the chevron one but unfortunately my love for chevron still reigns strong so I just couldn't help myself. I think that these gift tags are a great way of jazzing up your gift wrapping and work perfectly for both males and females so I don't see why anyone couldn't give this DIY a try!


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