A creative lifestyle blog.

Friday, 2 May 2014


Today I am back with another super easy DIY for you, washi tape tea lights! The idea came to me whilst out shopping and almost spending over £10 on decorative tea lights despite the fact they only burn for 3 hours and inevitably would end up in the rubbish. 

I decided against the decorative tea lights and turned to my craft stash to see if I could rustle up something similar. I originally considered hand painting them all with different patterns but hell, that is majorly time consuming and they would still end up in the bin at the end of the day so that was a no go. This was when I noticed that washi tape is actually the perfect width to wrap around a standard tea light and with it's adhesive surface it couldn't have been a more ideal material for the job.

All you have to do is get some tea lights, mine are just cheap vanilla scented ones from Ikea, a couple of rolls of washi tape, easily picked up from most good craft stores or online and finally just a pair of scissors. There is no real method to this as it is quite simply taping around the edge of the tea light. One thing I will say though is that it is important to cut the edges straight and try and keep the tape in line all the way around to reduce air bubbles and creasing. Once you have wrapped all your tea lights simply display them and your done!

I think these washi tape tea lights look so much better than your standard metal ones and if you are having a party and want some mood lighting on a budget this would be ideal and would look amazing scattered over a table adding some real personality to something rather boring on its own.  

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