A creative lifestyle blog.

Monday, 23 December 2013



With all the festivities and parties going down at the moment I decided to challenge myself and make something I have never made before as the centrepiece of this years dining table. I have made gingerbread men many times before so after seeing the all mighty Mary Berry and Paul Hollywood whip up a gingerbread house on The Great British Bake Off Christmas Special I knew I had to have ago at this one myself.  

To make the gingerbread house I simply followed the recipe provided in the link below. True to form I didn't follow the recipe to the word and cut a few areas out such as the boiled sweet windows, passed on the trees and changed the shape of the window at the front. I only did this as I am not a fan of boiled sweets, didn't have a large enough cake board and couldn't be bothered to go to the shops buy a star cutter but sometimes its nice to change things up a little and not end up with a carbon copy. Despite my minor alterations I am really pleased with the final outcome of my gingerbread house and seriously begrudged cutting into it. Possibly my favourite part is the addition of the candle, this adds such a lovely touch to the gingerbread house giving it that lovely warm lived in look and makes for a real talking point on your dinner table. For a first attempt I am pretty damn proud of myself and already can't wait to try my hand at making another one next year and going to absolute town on the decoration. 

You can find the recipe just here if you fancy making one for you and your family. Best of all you can download the template from the website which is an absolute god send as I was dreading sitting with a ruler trying to mark out all the pieces I would need. Big love Bake off! 

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